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Nodecast is a project of authorial content production of Portal Sem Porteiras. Through the experimentation of the use of audio recording and editing tools we created 6 episodes of a podcast dedicated to dialogue with women in the territory during the pandemic. We called out to the women with questions and they answered us in audio. We gathered these answers and turned it into a program, Nodecast, in which the theme of the question launched is connected to a technology theme

The audios we received were so deep and delicate that for us it was something very sacred. For the women, to be able to listen to their answers being played as part of the cast, tied together with the experience of others, was powerful and encouraging. Initially we wanted this podcast to be something heard only by women, as the circles were also designed to be. Then we realized that a content created was very different than the lived experience of the circles. We have no control over who listens! And since we couldn't really make these podcasts an alternative for our safe spaces, we should take advantage of this potential to make them a space to expand our voices and bring to the public our reflections on issues of the territory. So, after the first 3 episodes of delicate and personal audio exchanges we inaugurated a second stage. There would be 3 other episodes with a new format, designed to address our passion for the idea of the community network as a virtual territory.

In a milder phase of the pandemic we were able to interview some women, all of whom had not participated in the circle in the previous year. We asked some questions related to the occupation of the neighborhood and wanted to know how they felt about the space. The answers were real treasures that we received. Those were again tied together with reflections on technology. This has been very important to us, to listen to other women beyond our nearest circle and to expand our network of relationships. Aware of what we represent and how we present ourselves within the territory, we are constantly working to build bridges between the Portal sem Porteiras and the community.

Digital Self-care
Dreams and Digital Unconscious
Territory Construct
Spinning the web of a Community Network